If Only are two saddest words in the world

If Only Are Two Saddest Words in the World

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Death is one thing that is constant in life. Whether we like it or not, every person has to go thru death. So, our time here on earth is just borrowed. We are not going to be with our loved ones forever. Sooner or later, we will be separated through death. That is why it is important to cherish your loved ones while you still can. Sometimes, we only know how much a person means to us after we lose the person. Don’t wait for that to happen because regret is hard to overcome. Let’s hope we don’t have to say, if only like Marizel. If only are two saddest words in the world.

If Only

If I would have known that I’d never see you again,

If I would have known that was the last time we would be together.

If I would have known I’d never get another chance

to talk to you,

to hold you,

to kiss you,

to touch you,

If I would have known I’d wake up the next day without you in my life,

I would have held you a little tighter,

kissed you a little longer,

talked to you on and on,

touched your hand, and never let it go,

gently whispered “I love you” over and over again,

and asked you with all  my heart,

“how could I live without you?”.

I would have done all these,

and more,

so much more.

If only…

If only I would have known.

As the clock strikes zero o’clock, let’s all be nicer, kinder and more loving to persons who are dear to us.

Marizel Layco Beck started writing poems as a way to release her pain and to express her sadness with the sudden passing of two people who were very dear to her, one after another.  She lost her father, Ver five days after he was rushed to the hospital because of stomach pains.  He was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.  And then, a WEEK later, she lost her sister, Karen. Karen died of a heart attack in her sleep.

To read more of Marizel’s poems, visit The Grief Toolbox.

Feature Image by 6657176 from Pixabay 

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