Redefine your Life Through the 5/25 Rule Challenge

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you ready for a fresh start in your life? Then, it’s time to take those goals into action. A good strategy to use to achieve your goals and redefine your life is through the 5/25 rule challenge of Warren Buffet.

Warren Buffet is the most successful investor in the 20th century and one of the richest man in the world. His 5/25 rule on productivity gives importance to focus.

According to the story, Mike Flint, the personal airplane pilot of Warren Buffet for over a decade was having a conversation with his boss about his dreams and goals. Buffet told him to write down 25 of his career goals. Out of these 25, he was asked to identify his top 5. He was then instructed to focus all his time and energy in accomplishing those 5 items on the list. The other items that did not make it on the top 5 would fall under the “avoid-at-all-cost” category.

This kind of strategy is highly effective because if you don’t have focus, it is so easy to get distracted in life especially in this day and age. With focus, you will know exactly what you want and what direction you are supposed to go.

Here is the challenge if you are determined to change your life for the better. Try applying the 5/25 Rule in your life by following these steps:

1. Write Down your Goals

If you still don’t have a bucket list, now is the perfect time to start writing them down. Just list down all the things that you want to have and accomplish in life, even if it feels like impossible. There are no restrictions. After all, they are your dreams. Write as many as you can. To make it easier, label your dreams and goals under the following categories:

  • Health and Beauty
  • Home and Living
  • Wealth
  • People and Relationships
  • Travel and Recreation
  • Work and Career
  • Spiritual

Make sure that you put at least more than 10 entries in each category. To help you with your list, you can check out some of the A Fresh start articles on the different categories and use them as guide.

2. Choose your Priorities

The 5/25 Rule states that you choose your focus. Instead of merely choosing just 5 items in your work and career, it is better to choose at least one from each of the category. The important thing is to have a well-balanced life. Your life is not just about your career, it is also about your health, your relationships and your overall well-being.

The elimination process won’t be easy. However, it is something that you have so that you can focus all your energy, resources and attention on just a few. You can choose to prioritise the urgent ones or you can opt for the easiest one to accomplish first. It is all up to you. Don’t worry about the “Avoid-at-all-cost” list, you can still go back to that list later on once you have accomplished your initial goals.

3. Start Working on Your Goals

The best time to start working on your goals is now. Start doing them one-by-one. There is nothing sweeter than to experience the feeling of accomplishment once you start fulfilling your goals. As you crossed out one item every now and then, you will surprised how your life is slowly starting to change.

Infographic Credit: Piktochart

Best of luck!

Image Credit: photosforyou from Pixabay Images

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