
The Marshmallow Test: Now or Delayed Gratification?

The Marshmallow Test: Now or Delayed Gratification?

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe Marshmallow Test gave children the choice to eat now or choose delayed gratification for another marshmallow. The experiment studied how children exercise their self-control. Stanford professor Walter Mischel conducted this is experiment in the 1960s. This test was part of a series of psychological studies which followed the children’s performance until they had become

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The Power of A Smile

The Power of A Smile

Reading Time: 2 minutesTo pout or to frown was our usual reaction as children, when we felt down or upset. We carry this behavior into our adult selves. Adults sometimes choose to remain pouting or keep on frowning even when things are looking up. Most adults have forgotten the power of a smile. Smiling reduces stress. It elevates

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