dimensions of wellness

Different Smarts: What is Your Intelligence Type?

Different Smarts: What is Your Intelligence Type?

Reading Time: 4 minutesEver wondered what your intelligence type is? What kind of intelligent are you? What kind of “smarts” do you have? We usually divide ourselves into book smart or street smart. One is based mostly on the academic way of learning. The other is based on learning from experiences. There are actually different types of intelligences. […]

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Religion and Spirituality: Is There A Difference?

Religion and Spirituality: Is There A Difference?

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat is the difference between spirituality and religion? Spirituality and religion are different concepts; but they often get confusing. We often end up describing our religious beliefs and practices when talking about our spirituality. Their purpose and practices can overlap and crossover, but they do have some basic differences. Institutional vs Individual Religion, by definition,

Religion and Spirituality: Is There A Difference? Read More »

Are You Socially Well?

Are You Socially Well?

Reading Time: 3 minutesAre you socially well? When we think of the social aspect of our life; what comes to mind are usually our family and the friends we hang out with. We consider them as the closest people to us. They often compose our inner circle. However, we have other social circles outside of this inner circle.

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