There are 3 types of expenses you need to manage in order to be successful in your financial goals. These can be applied to any items you have on your monthly budget. Identifying these kinds of expenses helps you schedule your expenses. In this way, you don’t fall victim to little money leaks that can ruin your budget.
1. Fixed Expenses
Fixed expenses are the types of expenses that you incur in predictable amounts and in consistent intervals. These usually happen monthly such as utilities, rentals, loans, insurance, subscriptions and credit card payments. These can also include your tithes, savings and investment funds if you add to them monthly.
Since these expenses occur on a regular basis, you can schedule them automatically. This one of the 3 types of expenses that is the easiest to manage in your budget.
With a fixed amount and schedule, it is easier for you to decide which expenses to reduce or remove. This allows you to maximize other items in your budget. For example, you can downgrade your mobile plan subscription. Then, you can add more to your savings or investment fund.
2. Periodic Expenses
Periodic expenses are similar to fixed expenses but they occur less frequently. These kinds of expenses can also be scheduled quarterly (every 3 months), bi-annually (every 6 months) or annually (every year).
The dilemma with periodic expenses is that they are usually necessary. That’s why it is hard to remove them from your budget. These expenses usually include maintenance costs. Examples include oil change for your car, car registration fees, annual membership fees and annual tax fees for a business.
Unlike fixed expenses, we tend to forget periodic expenses. This results in paying penalty fees which ruins your budget. It is very important to include these types of expense in planning your budget. The advantage is that you have more time to prepare for them.
3. Variable Expenses
The trickiest type of expense to manage are variable expenses. These types of expenses don’t occur regularly but they are still important. Variable expenses can be subcategorized into necessary and discretionary.
An example of a variable but necessary expense is gas for your car. This does not occur regularly but you have to budget for it when it becomes necessary. A discretionary, variable expense includes a new pair of shoes or travel funds. These don’t occur regularly but they are important for your well-being.
Discretionary expenses are usually items that you reward yourself with. Sometimes, they can be impulse buys which you incur because you are feeling down and you want to feel better. Your behavior and priorities will define what variable expenses you cut out or save up for in your budget.
Which type of expense do you usually have trouble managing? If you haven’t started budgeting, then the first step is to track your expenses. Then try out the money jar budgeting system and adjust as you need. This will help you control the flow of your money. It is also helpful to know more about the money lessons you didn’t learn in school. Get more financial inspiration for own financial goals with these books on wealth and success.
Feature Image: Original Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash.